

 Today in class I had to redo the movie assessment. I had to redo the assignment because I lost the last one. How did I lose the last one I honestly do not know. So while everyone was doing nothing and chilling I made myself work.


 Today in class my teacher wasn't here. There was two fights right before class started. There was a fight down stairs by Ms. D's classroom and there was one by Ms. J's classroom. Since Mr. Rease wasn't in class we kind of had a free day. 


 Today in class we finished the movie we started from yesterday. The kids in the movie all had someone or something to push them to make that walk everyday. Through the entire movie I asked myself what gave them that motivation to travel. The kids in the movie are stronger then most of the kids in my generation. 


 Today in class we watched a movie. The movie was about six different children around the world. All of these children travel to school in the movie. Everyone had to travel over a hour to get to school. Kids these day with barley walk five minutes to school.


 Today in class we all presented our projects. The group that I was in was third on the list. During the time the other groups were presenting I took the opportunity to turn in work and get some more make up work. With three weeks left in school I only need eight more points to pass Mr. Rease American Literature class.


 Today the class was still working on there projects. My group finished the project the same day we got it. Our project was based off of  Thailand. The slide I did was food and religion. In fact the main religion in Thailand is Buddhist.


Today in class everyone was still doing there project. My group already finished so I took the opportunity to do make up work. In class I finished my unit 2 vocabulary test. I also finished my Black owned business.