
Showing posts from April, 2023


 Today in class we worked on missing work. I had to write a 40 line poem. I decided to tittle the poem "My Girl Cheated On Me". This poem has been past due but Mr. R allowed me to turn it in late.


 Today we did the last two sections of the EOC test. The second section had me write about a women the us to live a luxury life and now she pretends the she is still in the past. luckily we didn't have to do any writing on the third section. So everyone in our class sped through  it.


Today in class we just chilled. We didn't really do anything because we finally took our test. The test had five questions. Three multiple choice and two short response.


 Today in class we ran through a practice test of the EOC for tomorrow. The narrative we base the test on was about women rights. Apparently a women was fined for voting in a presidential election. After we read the article we were tasked with writing. We were to pose as one of the people sitting in the crowd.


 Today in class wee broke down the test we take on Wednesday and Thursday. Apparently the test is 20% of our grade, so that means I need to pass. We also we wrote a summary about a article we read independently. Doing this gives us a example of the EOC.


 Today in class we did the break down of a argumentative essay and a essay that agrees with the topic. The topic whether museums steals artifacts or not. The first essay was about museums stealing relics from other countries. The second essay spoke about the protection of the artifacts.


 Today the class we kind of started off slow. I mainly think it's because we are still coming down from our spring break high. In class we worked on the breaking down of the testing browser we will be using on the EOC's.


 Today we just back from spring break and our teacher wasn't at school. This caused one of the assistant teachers to think of something to do. She told the class to write about a goal that we want to accomplish in the future. My goal was the building of a skating rink that everyone can enjoy themselves at.