
Showing posts from May, 2023


 Today in class I had to redo the movie assessment. I had to redo the assignment because I lost the last one. How did I lose the last one I honestly do not know. So while everyone was doing nothing and chilling I made myself work.


 Today in class my teacher wasn't here. There was two fights right before class started. There was a fight down stairs by Ms. D's classroom and there was one by Ms. J's classroom. Since Mr. Rease wasn't in class we kind of had a free day. 


 Today in class we finished the movie we started from yesterday. The kids in the movie all had someone or something to push them to make that walk everyday. Through the entire movie I asked myself what gave them that motivation to travel. The kids in the movie are stronger then most of the kids in my generation. 


 Today in class we watched a movie. The movie was about six different children around the world. All of these children travel to school in the movie. Everyone had to travel over a hour to get to school. Kids these day with barley walk five minutes to school.


 Today in class we all presented our projects. The group that I was in was third on the list. During the time the other groups were presenting I took the opportunity to turn in work and get some more make up work. With three weeks left in school I only need eight more points to pass Mr. Rease American Literature class.


 Today the class was still working on there projects. My group finished the project the same day we got it. Our project was based off of  Thailand. The slide I did was food and religion. In fact the main religion in Thailand is Buddhist.


Today in class everyone was still doing there project. My group already finished so I took the opportunity to do make up work. In class I finished my unit 2 vocabulary test. I also finished my Black owned business.


 Today in class we started a project. The project was about different countries and there cultures. The group I am in decided to got with Thailand. The project is helps us peak into our surrounding countries.

21. ''Write about something the doesn't get better''

 Something that doesn't get better is death. Death has and will always be around. Dealing with death will never get easier, if a close friend dies that's something but when a family member dies that's another story. Death will hit you in different ways dues to the death of different people.

20. ''Write about what you'd planned to do''

 One time I planned to go skating for my birthday. We also went out to eat and when we were there the waitress took forever to take our order. With her taking her sweet time we got our food late. Us getting our food led to us eating late and by time we finished the rink was closed.

19. ''Write about something that was too small/too big''

 A time that something was too big is when I was to skinny to be strapped in on the roller coaster. When I was younger I was on the smaller side so when I tried to ride the roller coaster with my cousins I almost flew out of the cart. Another time is when my cousin got me a jacket but he didn't know my size so so he guessed. Once I put it I felt like I was wearing a blanket.

18. ''Write about a question you wished you'd asked''

 A question I wished I asked is will you go to prom with me. I wish I asked  my girl bestfriend to go to the prom with me. Now that I think about it though there would have been no pointe since I didn't go but aye what can I do now. If I asked her she probably would still be talking to me right now.

17. ''Write about someone you forgot''

 A person the I forgot was at the gym that I go to. A person I know that was in my class before he graduated was working at the gym I like to go to caught me by surprised. When I was in the locker he came to me reminded me where I knew him from. Once I remembered we went and lifted together for over two hours.

16. ''Write about when you knew something was over (or had begun)''

 A time I knew something was over is when our best pitcher was hurt and we had to put our back up in. Our back up pitcher isn't terrible but you would know why he's the back up if you seen him. A time when I knew something begun is when the music came on at the skating rink. When the music come on everyone starts to get on the floor and skate until it's time to go.

15. ''Write about having no fun at all''

 A time were I had no fun at all was actually today in my fourth period. Today The 9th and 10th graders had to do map testing. There was also a lot of fights so the school had to go on lock down. With all of that we couldn't leave the class and we couldn't talk.

14. ''Write about something you are certain of''

 I am certain that my love of skating is going to make me rich on day. Roller skating has been something that I've been doing my whole life. My first time getting my own skates was when I won a bet with my uncle. The bet was the the falcon would win the Super bowl Li, he obviously lost.

13. ''Write a long thank you letter''

 Hey I would like to thank you for building me a house on Minecraft. When you made the outside of the house out of all coal it kind of threw me off. Then I went inside and seen the light and stairs. It was so cool it was red and black my two favorite colors.

12. ''Write about a gift that was not well received"

 A time a gift that wasn't received well was when my sister rented horses for my niece. My sister rented my niece two black horses for her birthday. When my sister rented the horses she was doing it out of love. The only thing that she didn't think of is that she wouldn't be scared of them.

11. "Write about all the secrets that have been kept from you''

 A secrets that was kept from me is Santa isn't real. Another is cats surely does not have nine lives. Carrots do not make your eye sight better. Also magic is not real it's just an illusion.

10. ''Write about a secret being revealed''

 A time that a secret was revealed is when my cousin told my auntie that his sister was pregnant. My older cousin was 4-moth pregnant and living with her mom. My younger cousin  found  the test and decided to tell my aunt. My auntie kicked her out for lying to her but  the baby is alive and healthy.

9. ''Write a long apology''

  I apologize for pushing my friend Pedro down the stairs. Pedro was like my brother but the when he ate all of my Froot Loops  made me angry. The Froot Loops were limited addition, I had to spend thirty dollars because they were never going to be made again. Pushing you down the stairs was the wrong thing to do.

8. ''Write about you use to know how to do''

 Something that I use to know how to do is read music. In elementary school I was in the band. The instrument I play was the trumpet back then reading music was easy but now I wouldn't even know where to start. Reading is no longer my specialty.

6. ''White about something you don't exactly remember''

 Something I don't exactly remember is my fifth grade graduation. My fifth grade graduation was about 5-6 years ago. My graduation was the end of my elementary years and the begin of my middle school ones. In elementary I was in band so we played a song, I don't remember the song we played but my mom told me we did good.

5. " Write about what you have to much of''

 Something I have to much of is hair. Having a lot of hair is something I am not use to, The only reason I grew my hair out is because of my brother. My brother decided to grow his hair out and lock it up. He convinced me to grow my hair out and now they are just in the way.

4. ''Write about something you can't deny''

 Something that I can not deny is the love that I have for my family. Being family does not mean that we have to be blood it means that I have to love and trust you enough to call you my brother/sister. If I see you as my family I'll do anything for you. My family is my everything.

3."Write about something/someone being born''

 A time when something/someone was born is when my  nine year old twin siblings were born. Nine years ago my parents sat my step-brother and I down and told us that we were going to be big brothers. We just started getting use to each other so we didn't really know how to feel about them coming. When they were actually born all of those thoughts were banished. We love those kid with everything in us.

2. " Write about a time you obsess over something meaningless"

 A time I obsess over something meaningless is when I was obsessed over the Avengers. When I was eight or nine I was obsessed with the avengers, they had the best fighting senses that I ever seen at the time. Looking back on it now I was delusional, there are hundreds of movies that are better than the avengers. To be honest the only reason I obsessed over them is because those were the only action movie I was allowed to watch.

1. "Write about a time when you'd dressed inappropriately for the occasion''

 A time I dressed up inappropriately for a occasion was when I overdressed for my friends birthday. My friend was having there 16th birthday and my my thought that the flyer that was sent out said formal but it said casual. Going of the word of my mother I proceeded to put on a red and black plaid shirt with some slacks from one of my suites. Later on that day I arrived to the party and everyone had jeans, joggers, T-shirts, and hoodies on.


 Today in class we are starting on college application. We have to give colleges information about ourselves. The information I'm leading off with is roller skating.